We all loved it. For class, professionalism, knowledge, passion for him sports and sports journalism. At the age of 93 years passed away today Bohdan Tomaszewski editor.
– A man learns to life. I was only after many years of working with a microphone, I realized that the most important thing in this profession is silence. Excess words can destroy the best commentator, and talkativeness thing unbearable – said three years ago.
His journalism career has lasted almost 70 years! He started in 1946. “Kurier Szczecin.” What did native Varsovian zagnało?
– After the Warsaw Uprising went to the Recovered Territories. My only asset was a tennis racket and tattered trousers. I had no time, I was living a modest wierszówki and moonlighted in many ways. I worked as an agricultural inspector or head of reception at the Grand Hotel Sopot – he said.
In the end, he was able to realize a childhood dream. Bohdan inspired several years Wojciech Trojanowski radio broadcasts.
– It was unsurpassed sports announcer. I imagined that comment on the competition. When you ask me now what I would have done if I was not a sports commentator, I answer that I can not deal with anything else! My recipe for a long and fulfilled life? Do not pay attention to material things – Tomaszewski said Arthur Krasicki of “Tele Week”.
More than half a century devoted to work in the Polish Radio. He made his debut in 1947. Commenting on the tennis Davis Cup match Legion Poland – England, who lost 2: 3.
At full of emotion and poetry used a master Bohdan comments brought up a whole generation of journalists and fans. He was not only an athlete, journalist, but also a patriot who fought in the Warsaw Uprising.
– I have been a sports journalist, when I heard the comment editor Tomaszewski of the Olympic Games in Rome, of course Zdzislaw Krzyszkowiak the gold medal in the 3000 m steeplechase – does not hide ed. Vladimir Szaranowicz, the chief editor of the sports on TV.
– The fact that I am 90 years it was not my doing, but your God – with the top three years ago Bohdan Tomaszewski said in an interview with Ed. Szaranowicz conducted at the premises of the POC-in, was the occasion of a great anniversary nadredaktora.
Mr. Bohdan confided what shaped him as a child.
– Not only Sienkiewicz great, but little known Valery Przyborowski. Books on the history of Polish, each of us dreamed to be a hero, and this is an extremely difficult task – he said.
The most was associated with cycling, athletics, and especially with tennis. His greeting from London: “Hello, this is Wimbledon (‘Łymbledon’)” became his komentatorską, Unforgeable seal.
Over the past 15 years he has worked mainly in Polsat Sport. Anyway, for this station commented last game, at last year’s Wimbledon.
– It is no secret that Mr. Bohdan us then fainted during the meeting. Later he came back. That game did not finish, it’s a little symbolic – said the head of the sport in Polsat – Marian Kmita.
The greatest poet of the microphone was 93 years, but he left early.
Marian Kmita Bohdan Tomaszewski says
Richard Szurkowski: He managed to create a mood to talk
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