Friday, July 24, 2015

Kazimierz Greń disqualified for four years by scandal Ticket – Interia

Highest Football Association Board of Appeal reduced the penalty of disqualification of Kazimierz Greni to four years. The activist had previously been disqualified for 10 years for the illegal sale of tickets before the game el. ME 2016 Ireland – Poland.

Kazimierz Greń

/ Brands Biczyk /

Football Association Board of Appeal found that all the facts have been established in the first instance sufficient.

Originally the June meeting of the Football Association Disciplinary Committee decided to disqualify Casimir Greni of action in the structures of the Polish Football Association for 10 years.

In an official statement, the Association is written then that Greń committed an act “in contravention of the Polish Football Association ethical and moral principles.”

Tickets, which he sold activist, had come from the envelope for Podkarpacki Football Association. “At the same time, these tickets sell for a price exceeding the equivalent of their nominal price” – noted in a statement.

April 10 board relationship, at personal request Greni, who has suspended his membership rights until the final conclusion of the proceedings before the jurisdictional authorities of the PZPN but not longer than until the next General Meeting. On the other hand June 2 Disciplinary Commission therefore punished him with a 10-year disqualification. This has now been reduced to four years.

Kazimierz Greń a 52-year-old head of the Sub-Carpathian AZS-in. The fulfillment of his duties, however controversial issue. In January he said that Poland did not organize a European championship youth under the age of 21 in 2017, but resigned from the efforts of the matches of Euro 2020 seniors. At the end of the month it turned out, however, that in Poland this championship to be held. Greń always liked the media and willingly talked about the Polish government behind the scenes ball.

Once there were reports of a conflict between the central and provincial associations, usually under the name he was ready to talk about this. In recent months, he spoke about the fact that Zbigniew Boniek badly governed Football Association-I, although earlier Greń had helped him come to power.

Kazimierz Greń

/ Michael Chwieduk /


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