This time, however, charges of Sebastian Swiderski succumbed to 1: 3, but should lead to a tie break,. It is true that in the fourth batch of long losing, but in the end it could make up for the loss of four points, because of the state of 18:22 led to a draw after 23 And it happened mainly due to a good game Kaya van Dijk’a (which debuted in their ranks ), and Dick Martin Możdżonka Kooy’a. Paradoxically, however, a simple mistake of the latter made the fallen chance at a fifth set.
When you turn, however. For both teams it was the number two match of the season. Earlier Zaks without major problems outplayed away AZS Czestochowa 3: 0, in turn Skra coped in Bedzin of the MKS 3: 1. Additional flavor challenge in Poznan Arena added the fact that the dance floor ran up seven gold medalists of the recent World Cup: Martin Możdżonek, Paul Zagumny, Paul Zatorski side Zaksy and Charles Ear, Michal Winiarski, Mariusz Wlazły and Andrzej Wrona with the Spark. They all received prior to the meeting commemorative medals from the President of Poznan.
A beginning clash belonged to Bełchatów, who quickly jumped into three ,, eye “, but still better wake up charges of Sebastian Swiderski, who at the first technical break coming down the result of 8: 6 for them. Later, however, this time Polish champions regained the lead, once they lost, until it was time playing the lead. then, however, Paul Zatorski made a simple mistake adoption, which until recently used his colleagues and won this installment 26:24 .
In the second part of the game quickly became apparent advantage of the Spark, though Kędzierzynie long did not intend to let go. At the end of a series of errors caused that rivals had the ball sets. Though well be writing down Lucas Loh tried to extend hope, but They were quickly rolled back before Facundo Conte and his team won 22.
The third set was aligned only to the first technical break. Upon her Zaks at express pace built up edge, which then gradually grow longer, up to seven ,, eyes “. Opponents have tried to fight but eventually lost 25:20.
The fourth party has long been under the control of the Spark, trójkolorowi finally awake. Ultimately, however, did not seize his chance and lost 25:27, and the whole match 1: 3, but said Kooy had two situations, so that his team could be tempted to pick sets.
It is worth noting that Zaks appeared composed Zagumny, Witczak, Gladyr, Wisniewski, Loh, Kooy, Zatorski (libero) and Abdel-Aziz, Możdżonek, van Dijk, Zapłacki. In turn, Skra presented as follows: Conte, Wlazły, Lisinać, Crow, Marechal, Uriarte, Piechocki (libero) and Winiarski, Ear, Brojović, Muzaj, Wlodarczyk.
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