Saturday, August 16, 2014

Poland worse than Bulgaria’s memorial Hubert Wagner. But … –

Wagner Memorial is the first and last serious test for the Polish before the world championships. At the beginning of the week our team twice faced with the Germans, but – as emphasized volleyball – it was preceded by heavy sparring workouts. At the beginning of Krakow tournament Poles faced with Bulgaria, which recently napsuła us a lot of blood. She won with us at the Olympics in London, and last year closed the door to the quarter-finals of European Championships. This team traumatized, because after fatal performance in the World League changed coach. Plamen Konstantinov was new, the legend of the local retina. Unfortunately, the Bulgarian complex continues …

But back to the Poles, it is two weeks before the start of the championship is still not known how it will look first six. It seems that today’s bankers are four: quarterback Fabian Drzyzga, attacker Mariusz Wlazły and central Karol Ear and Piotr Nowakowski and libero Pawel Zatorski.

Before the championships not yet know the answers to two questions. Who will fall from the 15-man squad and who will be responsible for receiving serve. Taking at the moment is composed of five. The match against the Bulgarians began two Michałów – Winiarski and Kubiak. The latter had a long break due to injury. And although it is already healthy, the beginning was weak. He could not break through the block, but his technical play did not bring success. Until the last action when he overlaid the hands of rivals, sealing the win set.

It was obvious that both teams are far from optimal form. There were many mistakes, misunderstandings, missed dynamics. Poles played better and had Wlazłego block that made a difference on the serve. The first attack is tired (only 33 per cent. In the first batch), but in the end he sent some of his serves, after which the result 15:17 became 21:17.

I Poles and Bulgarians poorly received lick. Even a very strong impact Wlazłego or Cwetana Sokoławi and Miroslaw Gradinarowa opponents caused huge trouble. It is a sign of lack of freshness due to heavy workouts. Another thing that sparks captain PGE Belchatow was very regular. Most of his points served bring, if not directly, then through blocks.

This attack was the leader Winiarski, though apparently before meeting back ached. Captain fared even triple block, very high, because the majority of Bulgarians from the basic six had more than two meters wzrostu.W second batch of Bulgarians dominated because their attacker Sokolov serve, as much and as efficiently as Wlazły.

At the beginning of the fourth set several thousand people in Krakow Arena went silent. After the attack Wlazły fell on the leg of one of the Bulgarians and twisted ankle. He was helped off the pitch already returned. The only consolation is only that a meeting with Serbia at the National Stadium there is still 12 days. A Wlazły is known that even after the kilkunastodniowych breaks in training quickly returns to form. Without it difficult to dream of success in the championship, because it’s our only world class attacker. And another hour before the game Wlazły laughed that a place in the 14 for the World Cup does not need not to worry. – The quarterback and the attacker have some space in the scene – said

As for the theoretically uncertain, it is ranked # 1 among the host has Winiarski, the best of the Poles. Great in the adoption and defense, and the dealer rivals on the grid blocks.

Not once on the pitch did not appear Bartosz Kurek, while Kubiak, Rafal header image and Matthew Mika yield to a more experienced colleague. Both coaches have tried different settings, but better effect brought about changes Konstantinov, because Todor Skrimow and Nikolai PENCHEVA stabilized receive the service. Certainly the Poles also rebounded lack Wlazłego. This was evident even after Drzyzdze, who could not find the right pace in acacias with David Konarski. It is not surprising, because the player Resovii attacks with balls played much slower than Wlazły. Much better he cooperated with Paul Zagumnym who calmed the game.

In the fourth set we found out how much it can do 14 thousand cheering. fans. Carried by the Poles odrobili five-point loss, and in the end even finished writing them luck, because the ball into the slots Server Rules Nowakowski of the tape and fell in pitch, Winiarski attacked in the line, and the tie-break resulted in a single block Kłos.

In the fifth set the Poles again happened to downtime. Although we conducted 11: 8, it’s not dealt with the licks Skrimowa and Sokolow, and the game ended with an ace reserve Valentin Bratojew.

On Sunday Poles will face China, which on Saturday lost 0: 3 out of Russia.

Poland – Bulgaria 2: 3

Sets: 25:20, 23:25, 27:29, 26: 24

Poland: Drzyzga, Kubiak, Nowakowski, Wlazły, Winiarski, Ear, Zatorski (libero) and Konarski, Zagumny, header image, Mika, Możdżonek

Bulgaria: zek, Gradinarow, Todorov, Sokolov, Aleksjew, Josifow, Salparow (libero) and Skrimow, PENCHEVA, V. Bratojew


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