Friday, March 13, 2015

Nowakowska-Potato: I’m not angry at Magda Gwizdoń – Virtual Poland

HR | update 2015-03-13 (19:48) 12 minutes ago

PAP / Bartlomiej Zborowski

– I’m not Magda Gwizdoń evil, nor do I claim to it. I can only imagine how she feels now. Surely the worst of us all. It’s a sad day. For me, this championship and so are successful, but I wanted to all the girls came out of here happy and satisfied. I’m sorry – she said with tears in her eyes firmly depressed Weronika Novakowska after Friday’s relay race at the world championships in Kontiolahti.


I’m not Magda Gwizdoń evil, nor do I have it pretensions. I can only imagine how she feels now. Surely the worst of us all. It’s a sad day. Weronika Novakowska

 After a major performance Monica Hojnisz lead, but the fatal shooting of Magdalena Gwizdoń deprived the team chances for a good result. Experienced rider had three rounds of penalties, and White-Red dropped from first place on the nineteenth.

Starting at subsequent amendment Weronika Novakowska and Krystyna Palka were not able to fix it.

– What happened to change Magda, really broke my concentration. At the shooting range, I tried to be quick, hurry up and as a result she, too, was not perfect. I am very sorry that I could not help this relay race – said shortly after the competition Weronika Novakowska.

– After the first change we were the leader, so Magda Gwizdoń ran at high load. Frankly, she’d rather be in this situation, because when I came to the stadium, I was up focused. I felt I was in the gas and, suddenly, when I found out what was happening, I completely broke. And this very broken waited until he comes running Magda – explained double medalist in Kontiolahti World Cup.

I had a little accident on the route. At first I stick broken wheel, and scored the second fall. The more I am glad that I brought a relay in the first place. Monika Hojnisz

 The feeling of regret is all the greater because the competition starting Monika Hojnisz – both supine and standing – fired on Friday without fail. In combination with a fast course helped her reach to change as the first in the whole grid. This is a huge feat, especially that from 23-year-old is measured, with considerable problems.

– I had a little accident on the route. At first I stick broken wheel. Fortunately, our route were porozstawiane serwismeni who reacted quickly to the. A second wheel stepped on me a bit, which passed the fall. I was knocked out of balance and there is a bit of nerves. Fortunately, it happened to ascent, so many did not lose – Virtual Poland said Monika Hojnisz still in the competition.

– The more I am glad that at the shooting mastered his nerves and emotions. And I was able to shoot on a purely without extra seconds and bullets. I brought a relay in the first place, and I am very happy. Now I just followed the continuing rivalry and kept our fingers crossed for another change – announced when the Magdalena Gwizdon classify on the shooting range just another box.

After the competition, praised the attitude of Monica Hojnisz Weronika Novakowska.

Performance Monica was fantastic. Hats off! Weronika Novakowska

 - Monika was great. Besides, she generally does a good job in the relays. She was a bummer, as we all do, but it is very strong mentally and that is its great advantage. And – speaking of the relay – trump all of us. Monica’s performance was fantastic. Hats off! – Praised her friend 27-year-old player in an interview with Virtual Polish.

According to Nowakowskiej-Potato most difficult task is now before the head coach of the Polish Adam Kołodziejczykiem.

– The role of the coach is now collect and strengthen the team before the next start. But in front of us is still Sunday mass start. Bearing in mind the failed relay race, I’m sure it will be difficult. Sam, as I myself cry a, can I start to think about these events – not hiding.

The women completed a relay Friday thirteenth place. Won the German team. French won second place, and third were Italians.

From Kontiolahti – Michael Bugno, Virtual Poland

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