Thursday, May 28, 2015

Matthew Mika: It was not the worst match –

A long club season behind us, the break was short and you’re still in great shape. You’re probably made of iron.

– (laughter) I’m built like a whole the rest of humanity. I had some time to rest after a season at the club, more than two weeks. I was able to recuperate physically and mend the mental side. At the end of the season it was hard to play at such loads. Now, again, I’m glad that I can be on the pitch and help colleagues. Likewise, I am happy with the victory of Russia.

Executive in great style outplayed the Russians, and you have played in your hall a good game.

– It was not the worst off my performance. And I’m glad …

.. oh worst it was not a match.

(laughs) That’s true, but it can always be better. The main thing is for us to win in three sets, because the whole team worked hard on it. You see it in the results of the sets, because we were able to bounce Russians. The win has not decided one or two people, but the whole team. We pressed on rivals, played well gambit, well in defense and block. Overall, we played a very good match.

And this all the time on the same level.

– Yes, I happened to us downtime. I am pleased and I am very surprised because even though it is a representation, it only started training together. We work together less than two weeks, and already see the effects. I remember that last year, these outages little blood napsuły us.

With Russia have won the third time in a row, which the Polish team still has not happened.

– We are very This happy. On Friday we will fight to it that this result still tweak.

Rivals certainly come to pitch very mobilized, not used to such failures.

– Sure it is, but you have to remember that everyone who comes onto the pitch, he wants to win. This is only the beginning of the World League, the first game. Teams just pretending, players are trying to reach, all looking form. The same is true in our case. Maybe we did arrive a bit earlier to a higher offers than the Russians? Let’s see how it will on Friday.

Did you expect such the game? Russians were squeezed by the throat and could not do anything.

– After the first few balls I believed that we can really push rivals and call on them a lot of pressure on the serve and block. We succeeded, but I have no idea how it will look in the second match. We remember that it was our first game of the season and first game of the Russians.

No and the Matthew Bieniek, who so brilliantly debuted.

– Yes, he played very good meeting. I congratulate him such a debut.

How many Stephane Antiga hides such pearls in the national team?

– I hope as many as possible. Stephane probably has a very good eye for such players. In addition to Matthew Bieńkiem he is with us another young player, you Bednorz. The wide frame is even more of them. I hope that this year will make progress and will play better and better.

Gdańsk talking – Krzysztof Gaweł, Eurosport. Onet .com


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