Saturday, May 23, 2015

Michael Materla: I tried to do their own thing, like a tank –

– I have to admit that my previous fight were associated for me with more pressure than the duel with Tom. In Szczecin, I finally had a chance to show off in front of his audience, and for example, when a third fight with Jay Silva felt that I had a lot to prove. It was then that I carried very important lessons when it comes to mental health condition. They just strengthened me and that is why today, with full responsibility, I can say that I did not feel any pressure – confessed shortly after her victory “Cipao.”

Materla did not want to thoroughly analyze their strengths and possible duel “Gorilli” in a cage, he insisted that he must calmly see even your move. – I knew that the key to victory is continuous pressure on rival, I had to strive to Tom to impose his style – he admitted Materla, who pointed out a critical moment in the fight of the evening KSW 31.

– It was indeed one such blow, let me emphasize one punch that touched me a little bit. Besides, it seemed to me that I control the situation, despite the fact that a single blows Tom came to my face.

It should be noted that the fight Materla – Woodman was completed by the judge literally a few seconds before the final gong. Such a decision aroused mixed feelings among fans, he “Cipao” does not want to make a comment on the arbitrator’s decision. – Do not judge me, I’m not complaining. I’m just trying to, like a tank, do their own thing. All the time consistently overthrow, crush Tom and wait for his mistake. I was looking for a chance to end earlier, but it did not presented itself, so I decided to get tired and hang around – summed up Materla.

The NSS 31 also won his duel Karaoglu Aziz, who defeated Jay Silva. Turk said after the victory that now wants to measure precisely from Materla and stand up to fight for the belt. Asked about this, “Cipao” he replied curtly. Yeah? Well, give it here, call him. I’m still fresh. But seriously, what can I say, I am a fighter and I still want to develop and test new rivals. Just Karaoglu had the opportunity to fight with my friend – Peter ostrich, so and how willingly accept this move.

As has already been mentioned about future opponents Materli, of course, had to appear on Mamed Khalidov. Both consistently indicate that they will not fight each other, although such a move is expected. After the victory over lumberjack Materla he did not want the hundredth time to comment on the matter. – Do not spoil me tonight, I ask you – appealed.

Materla did not forget about his headquarters and He emphasized that it is working with the group led to victory over lumberjack. “Pussy” thanked the trainers, nutritionists, rehab patients and all those who were involved in its success.

On the end Materla also thanked the fans who came to the Ergo Arena to see his move. – I’m trying to reap the same positive emotions. It really is very nice to hear that someone had come to see just my fight. But I do not want to become through this self-righteous and avoid pride. In the end, all come to an end, and I did not smiling then constantly bragging that once was a master of the NSS – winner ended the fight at KSW 31 evening.


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